
Ways of Working

At Chase Erwin we are extremely conscious of the impact we have on our environment, and as a business we are continually driving to improve our position in being a sustainably-minded company that cares and takes action.

We strive to make positive changes when possible, some of these changes include the addition of solar panels on our warehouse roof to be more energy efficient, bee hives at our warehouse to improve biodiversity, a tree planting initiative to offset our carbon footprint and are now only using electric cars within the company.

Day to day we are careful to reuse packaging whenever possible, and have donated surplus fabric and fabric books to schools and charities to help reduce our waste and support our community in creative projects. We encourage our clients to return any unwanted samples so we can keep them in circulation for longer.

“We strive to make positive changes within Chase Erwin. As we look to the future, sustainability is central to all our decision-making processes.

Lauren Stonnell, CEO